This article points out the highest paying professions in the Toronto region with median incomes of above $50 hourly due to the fresh update from the Official Job Bank of Canada on 29th November 2023. The Job Bank of Canada revises this median income rate yearly, often in the fall.
Incomes are frequently changed to portray the most current regional or territorial minimum income. The median income is a standard of the average pay for every profession. When incomes are declared numerically, the median income indicates the midpoint of the income allocation. Based on incomes notified by Job Bank of Canada on 29th November 2023, the mentioned professions in the Toronto region have a median income of more than $50 hourly.
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Table of Contents
Total List Of 45 Highest Paying Employments in the Toronto Region
Professions | Median Hourly Income |
Senior managers for financial, communications, and other enterprise services (00012) | $85.47 |
Executives in natural resources production and fishing (80010) | $84.84 |
Attorneys and Quebec notaries (41101) | $64.90 |
Purchasing executives (10012) | $62.78 |
Fire chiefs and senior firefighting officials (40041) | $62.09 |
Senior executives – broadcasting, trade, and other services (00014) | $61.54 |
Engineering administrators (20010) | $61.54 |
Computer and information system executives (20012) | $61.54 |
University lecturers and professors (41200) | $61.54 |
Other skilled careers in physical sciences (21109) | $61.06 |
Legislators (00010) | $61.00 |
Government executives -healthand social policy expansion and program administration (40010) | $60.44 |
Science managers and architecture (20011) | $60.00 |
Governement executives – economic analysis, policy expansion and program administration (40011) | $58.97 |
Financial executives (10010) | $57.69 |
Other executives in public administration (40019) | $57.69 |
Professions |
Median Hourly Income |
Corporate sales executives (60010) | $57.69 |
Real estate, insurance and financial brokerage executives (10020) | $56.41 |
Other enterprises services managers (10029) | $56.41 |
Petroleum engineers (21332) | $55.77 |
Human resources executives (10011) | $55.38 |
Securities agents, brokers and investment dealers (11103) | $55.38 |
Pysician assistant, midwives and allied health experts (31303) | $55.00 |
School principals and admins of elementary and seconadry school (40021) | $55.00 |
Utilities executives (90011) | $54.63 |
Metallurgical and materials engineers (21322) | $54.56 |
Nurse practitioners (31302) | $54.01 |
Banking, credit and more investment executives (10021) | $53.42 |
Library, museum, archive and art gallery executives (50010) | $53.33 |
Advertising, marketing and public relations executives (10022) | $52.88 |
Professions | Median Hourly Income |
Software designers and engineers (21231) | $52.88 |
Senior executives – construction, transportation, utilities and production (00015) | $52.63 |
Administrators in healthcare (30010) | $52.31 |
Police investigators and other investigative professions (41310) | $52.00 |
Dentists (31110) | $51.28 |
Geoscientists and other oceanographers (21102) | $51.28 |
Mathematics, actuaries and statisticians (21210) | $51.28 |
Program officials special to government (41407) | $51.28 |
Veterinarians (31103) | $50.48 |
Administrators – post secondary school and vocational internship (40020) | $50.48 |
Physicists and astronomers (21100) | $50.00 |
Police officials unless commissioned (42100) | $50.00 |
Pharmacist (31120) | $50.00 |
Supervisors in transportation(70020) | $50.00 |
Elevator builders and mechanics (72406) | $50.00 |
The Source of Information for the Median Wages in Toronto
Statistics Canada’s Labor Force Survey is the primary source of information utilized to specify incomes. This research is carried out with a specimen of respondents, and the information may be limited for private or information-quality deliberations. Still, it is the most thorough, recent, and unbiased source of professional pay information.
When the Labour Force survey information is not obtainable, optional sources are utilized, which include:
- Program information from Employment and Social Development Canada, which includes research information from the Employment Insurance program.
- Census research, regional and territorial research, and managerial statistics.
- The Canadian Institute for Health Information and the Canadian Medical Association are two additional managerial information agencies.
- Additional sources when relevant.